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Stuck in the Mud?
Stuck in the Mud?
Troubleshooting tips and tricks.
11 articles
OOPS I have two apps on my iPad -Tippy ProX app
Square Reader Troubleshooting
My Square Reader Isn't Working (Black Tippy Kiosk)
My Square Reader Isn't Working (White Tippy Kiosk)
iPad Troubleshooting (Stand Alone Solution - Double Swipe)
Where did my staff go?
Incorrect Company Code Error
Pink Error Screen "We Could Not Complete Your Transaction"
My Kiosk Isn't Charging
My iPad isn't Connected to Wifi
iPad Troubleshooting (Integrated - Single Swipe)
I'm pressing the "Tippy" button on my checkout screen, but it isn't activating my Tippy kiosk.
Stuck on Loading Screen
My Tippy Screen is Stuck in the Middle of a Transaction